Hire Information

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Cancellation Policy

i. flagged companies,
A company is flagged on the system for failure to pay, late pay or recovery charges been levied on equipment that has been hired or direct debit violations. Companies flagged on our system may not use the direct debit and enhanced deposit is chargeable, hire period is taken via an instant payment. This is non refundable and not eligible for cancellation.
ii. early cancellation
Companies may cancel their hire under the direct debit scheme if the company is not a “flagged ” company. Cancellation requests may be submitted 10 days before the scheduled direct debit date,* there is no penalty for cancellation
iii.late stage cancellation
Cancellation requests submitted after the 10 day courtesy window are liable to cancellation charges at 1days hire at full rates**. Where fixed price has been given this will be calculated to a day rate.
iv. commencement cancellation
If the direct debit has been taken, or the hire period commenced, any cancellation request will incur the full term. Deposit for the period will be processed and returned after the end of the scheduled hire period inline with our standard payment processing arrangements.
*Direct debits are scheduled a minimum of 5 business days before the commencement of the hire period
**This excluded any multi day discount when back calculating day rates