Electrofishing Kits

WMD have >25 years of electrofishing experience, so we know a thing or two about what makes a good electrofishing setup! Our electrofishing kits provide a complete setup to enable you to go electrofishing, all in compact, lightweight, integrated designs.

Electrofishing kits provide a complete electrofishing equipment setup in a single package, all at reduced costs over individual purchases. Some models even get exclusive features only available when buying an electrofishing kit!

Electrofishing kits contain:
-Electrofishing control box or IEF Electrofishing generator
-Electrofishing Warning sign
-Electrofishing Flasher (various models)
-Electrofishing VAE (Status & Error Reporting) remote indicator flasher (various models)
-Fish measuring board
-Fish hand net(s)
-High viz reflective vest(s)- fisheries branded
-Anode swing ring(s)
-Cable cleats
-Cable carabiners
-Cable tidy’s

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