Resistivity Counter Panels


Introducing the Resistivity Counter Panel, engineered for robust performance and longevity in challenging environments. These panels are made from specialist HDPE material, available in white for use with visual identification systems, or black for applications that require reduced biofouling, such as mid-river installations.

Key Features:
Constructed from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for durability and optimized for both visual clarity and biofouling resistance.
Stainless bi-metal bolting system with washers provides a clamping force of over 240 kN per meter of panel, ensuring superior strength. The innovative 3mm stainless spreader system ensures optimal hole layout for maximum clamping, designed so the concrete beneath will fail before the panel system does.
Removable electrodes, back-clamped with countersunk bolts, minimize debris strikes, reduce entrainment, and allow for easy cleaning, replacement, or future upgrades.
Automatic electrode detection from the kiosk/cable end, ensuring installation accuracy regardless of the installer.
The leading edge features a fillet to shed water and reduce debris impacts, while countersunk clamping prevents vibration, creapage, and uplift under flow conditions.
Beneath the panel is a polyethylene isolation sheet that deforms mechanically during installation to isolate the new system from the existing one, improving performance on uneven or deteriorating surfaces.
No welding required due to continual bridging of electrodes with the plate, a typical failure point in older systems.
Impact covers and boltable electrode connections allow for planned preventative maintenance, addressing a fundamental weak point in resistivity counters.
Successfully tested in WMD installations to handle up to 550 cubic meters per second.
Optional HDPE isolation nibs help reduce wave slap, prevent false readings, and provide isolation from conductive materials like rebar, which can desensitize the resistivity counter. These nibs also help maintain consistent flow depth over the panels.
Features a stepped design, enabling the panels to square with each other for precise alignment without additional tools.

The Resistivity Counter Panel offers cutting-edge technology and superior durability, perfect for high-demand water monitoring and flow applications.


Prices From £2999/m contact us with your individual requirements and specifications