WMD+ EMBRT Bird Ring Tags

£98.79 ex VAT

WMD+ EMBRT Bird Ring PIT Tags integrated inside bird leg ring. Enables fast tagging of birds and robust unique identification of individuals. Can be used with our range of bird antennae for passive monitoring or actively via hand scanning using our WMD FDEM Handheld RFID PIT Tag reader. Scanning pit tag birds reduces the chances of misreads and transcription errors.

Priced per 100 tags. Select Qty for multiples of 100


WMD+EMBRT Bird Ring PIT Tags integrated inside bird leg ring. Enables fast tagging of birds and robust unique identification of individual birds. Can be used with our range of bird antennae for passive monitoring or actively via hand scanning using our WMD FDEM Handheld RFID PIT Tag reader. Scanning pit tag birds reduces the chances of misreads and transcription errors


Further information:
WMD are a major sponsor of the open access online database openmonitoring.co.uk  Openmonitoring.co.uk supports researchers, citizen scientists and wider public reporting of tagged animals, fish, elasmobranchs, crustaceans, birds, insects and bats